Sunday, December 20, 2009

Skating at Fenway Park

Had the opportunity to go ice skating at Fenway Park yesterday. It was cold and a long day for a Toddler, but Nolan loved skating on the ice with Dad.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Poor pups

My Brother's pug, Roxie, who is visually impaired. Apparently my phone smelled like food that she just couldn't quite get to, probably caused by a certain Toddler who often has messy hands and likes to play with my phone (yes, I'm well aware my phone was manufactured circa 1999). Poor pups.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Christmas Clock

Every Christmas my Mother and I had a tradition of going to Midtown Mall to see the Christmas decorations and Santa. Being the youngest of 3, there weren't too many traditions that did not involve my older siblings, but every year this was something special just for my Mother and me and I looked forward to it all year. What made it more exciting was that we took the bus, which wasn't too exciting, but growing up somewhere like Rochester, taking public transportation was a bit of a novelty.

Anyways, Midtown Mall was great this time of year...I'd ride the monorail, visit Santa up on this big mountain they'd construct in the middle of the mall and I would always, always, always wait for the big clock to hit the hour mark to watch the dolls dance. I was such a girlie girl at this age, and the dolls from around the world were what I looked forward most to our trips to Midtown.

The mall closed down a few years ago, and I didn't give it much thought since I'm hours away. Nolan and I recently went home to visit family and there in the airport I saw my clock, and needless to say I was a little excited.

I know the clock doesn't really have anything to do with Christmas, but it was pretty cool to see it there, this time of year and be reminded of growing up and this tradition I had with my Mother.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Apple Picking

A few photos from our recent trip to Lookout Farm in Natick, MA.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Dressing it up

So after a few months of playing the "will we or won't we move" game, we are officially staying put for at least the time being. I decided this warranted a little sprucing up of the walls with some artwork.

We bought some cheap frames from Target and put these 3 paintings done by Nolan. They are actually his first official attempts at art. I'd love to say he took to it right away and had a blast, but honestly he just got annoyed with how messy it was and then screamed at me when I had to throw him in the tub. Ahhh the memories. I think it looks nice in the kitchen though, so at least something positive came from it.

We also hung this adorable print in Nolan's "room". It was given to us as a gift at his First Birthday party and we thought it was great.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

He can taste victory

For Ian in honor of the season opener...go Bruins!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New books

My favorite book growing up was this Mother Goose collection (although my Mother not claims it was some weird book about squirrels, but I don't remember, so it doesn't count). I looked all over for it when Nolan was born, but was unable to find a copy. A few weeks ago I walked by a consignment shop here in Davis Square (Artifaktori), and there it was sitting in the window!

This week Ian also bought The Little Prince for Nolan, which was one of his favorites growing up. It's been a hit for nighttime reading.

December's tragic drive...

Had a great weekend with Becca Bell, the top highlight of course being Sunny Day Real Estate at the House of Blues in Boston. Wonderful show in the company of some wonderful friends.

Please excuse the poor quality of the was taken from the balcony with my crummy point and shoot.

Friday, September 25, 2009